
The Mathematics program at Makybe Rise Primary School provides essential skills in the strands of Numbers and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability as outlined in the Western Australian Curriculum. Through these strands, students develop “the numeracy capabilities that all students need in their personal, work and civic life, and provides the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of mathematics are built” (Western Australian Curriculum, School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), 2014)

At Makybe Rise Primary School, we have adopted a whole school approach to teaching Mathematics that promotes consistency across the year groups with teaching and assessment. We believe students develop mathematical skills by doing, talking, reflecting, discussing, observing, investigating, listening, reasoning and reflecting within a supportive, safe and productive classroom environment where mistakes are valued as part of the learning process.

AVID instructional strategies are reflected throughout the Mathematics program. Students learn skills that can be put to use across the learning areas through WICOR.


These skills include questioning, note-taking and reflection tools that enable students to take control of their learning.

All classes participate in a daily Numeracy Block. An explicit learning intention and differentiated success criteria are an essential element of the numeracy block and allow students to understand the learning outcomes of the lesson. They are taught in a format that allows students to be both explicitly taught and to develop a deeper understanding of Mathematical concepts by building upon their prior knowledge and consolidate their thinking with opportunities to practise new skills.

In 2016, ORIGO ‘Stepping Stones’ was introduced as the core Mathematics program for Pre-Primary – Year 6.  Stepping Stones provides lesson planning, resources and assessments for Mathematics across the three strands and twelve modules that are taught throughout the year. It also has a comprehensive online professional learning library for teachers titled ‘Mathedology’. Kindergarten also has access to a range of resources that complement their current curriculum.  School targets for Mathematics have been developed in line with the West Australian Curriculum and Stepping Stones. We utilise data from our Stepping Stones assessments to plan for and implement Flexible Grouping from PP – 6.

Worded Problem Solving is an integral part of every numeracy block. RUCSAC is used throughout the school to teach students about Worded Problem Solving. The RUCSAC method involves students Reading and Understanding questions, choosing how to Calculate answers, Solving the problem, getting an Answer and Checking their work.  Following the RUCSAC framework gives students a clear method to solve mathematical problems.

At Makybe Rise we believe that early intervention is crucial as it prevents delays in development by targeting students at educational risk. We are dedicated to effective early intervention and employ a highly-skilled Intervention Teacher and Education Assistant who plan and implement our Literacy and Numeracy Intervention Programs.

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Mathematics Overview. Retrieved from